Aizhai, Shibadong, Dehang Grand Canyon Scenic Area Won the Honor Again|天天最新
来源:红网     时间:2023-05-10 12:06:33



On May 8th, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the second batch of national level demonstration units for civilized tourism. Aizhai, Shibadong, Dehang Grand Canyon Scenic Area were successfully selected and once again awarded the "National Brand" honor.


Located in the core area of Xiangxi World Geopark, Aizhai, Shibadong, Dehang Grand Canyon Scenic Area consists of the Aizhai Bridge in Jishou City, known as the "Mount Qomolangma"in the international bridge industry; Shibadong Village in Huayuan County, the "birthplace" of targeted poverty alleviation, and Dehang Grand Canyon in Jishou City, known as the "The Hometown of Drums, and the Natural Oxygen Bar". It became a national 5A level tourist attraction in 2021.


It is reported that a total of 66 units across the country have been selected for this list, including the Yongzhou Jiuyi Mountain Shundi Mausoleum Scenic Area and Hunan China International Travel Service.



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